How to identify thermal paper

Today let's talk about "thermal paper"! The principle of thermal paper is coated on the general paper base particle powder, composition is colorless dye phenol or other acidic substances, separated by a film, under hot conditions, film melting, powder mixed color reaction. Thermal paper is specially used for thermal printer and thermal fax machine printing paper, its quality directly affects the quality of printing and storage time, and even affects the service life of the printer and fax machine. At present, the quality of thermal paper on the market is uneven, the country has not issued a national standard, many users do not know how to identify the quality of thermal paper. In addition, this also provides convenience for some unscrupulous merchants to manufacture and sell inferior thermal paper. Their inferior products, the light will appear short preservation time, blurred writing and other phenomena, the heavy will directly damage the printer, causing great losses to users. Today, Xiao Shuo will tell you how to identify the pros and cons of thermal paper.
Thermal printing paper is a special coated paper, its appearance is similar to ordinary white paper. The surface of thermal printing paper is very smooth. It is made with plain paper paper base, the second layer of heat sensitive coating on the third floor as the protective layer, mainly for affecting the quality of its thermal coating or coating, if uneven thermal paper coating, will lead to print, in some places darker, some local color shallow, significantly lower print quality, if thermal coating chemical formula is not reasonable, will cause the printing paper to save time is very short, Good printing paper can be stored (at room temperature and avoid direct sunlight) for 3-5 years after printing. Now there are more long-term thermal paper that can be stored for 10 years, but if the formula of thermal coating is not reasonable, it may only be stored for a few months.
The protective coating is also critical for the storage time after printing. It can absorb part of the light that causes the chemical reaction of the thermal coating, slow down the deterioration of the printing paper, and protect the thermal sensitive elements of the printer from damage. However, if the protective coating is uneven, the protection of the thermal sensitive coating will be greatly reduced. Even in the printing process, the fine particles of the protective coating will fall off and rub the thermal elements of the printer, resulting in damage to the printing thermal elements.

Thermal paper quality identification:
1, first of all, we can look at the appearance to judge its quality is good, at the time of observation of thermal printing paper appearance, we can first take a look at the color is white, if color is too white, means that the paper to add a lot of the phosphor powder, there is to see whether the paper smoothness, observe whether the paper looks even, if the surface is uneven, That when the production of heat sensitive layer and protective layer is not good enough, the quality of the paper is not good enough.
2. Bake the back of the paper with fire. If the color of the paper is brown after being heated, it indicates that the quality of the thermal paper is not good and the storage time is short. If it is black and green, and uniform color, it shows that the quality of the paper is good, can be kept for a long time.
3. The printed paper is smeared with a highlighter and placed in the sun (this can accelerate the reaction of the thermal coating to the light). The paper which turns black the fastest means the shorter the preservation time.

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Post time: Jul-10-2022